by Sam Lu
Se hai trovato 504 errore durante l'installazione allora disinstallazione versione gratuita di Apps2...
Se hai trovato 504 errore durante l'installazione allora disinstallazione versione gratuita di Apps2SD, Wipe Dalvik-cache, Cancella Play Store dati e la cache, riavviare e riprovare funzioneràPrima di utilizzare l'applicazione eseguire un backup completo. Apps2SD non sarà responsabile di eventuali perdite di dati o danni al telefono.Provare la versione gratuita prima. Acquista se la versione gratuita funziona sul tuo dispositivoNota: non collegare / spostare la vostra applicazione gestione SuperUser.Tutorials @
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Apps2SD è evoluto da essere un app che sposta i applicazione su scheda SD a un tutto in uno strumento con molte funzioni interessanti. Si tratta di una applicazione unica.
Apps2SD Prerequisiti: • dispositivo deve essere radicati e permessi di root dovrebbe essere concesso a Apps2SD • 2 partizioni su scheda SD esterna • Chainfire SuperSu se siete su Lollipop o superiore. Apps2SD lavora con altre SuperUser applicazioni di gestione pure
Apps2SD Pro Features: • No Ads • Link2SD: Link apk, odex, dex, lib internal data, external data and obb folders of user/system apps to SD card. • Busybox installer (No need to have a separate app to install busybox, Now Apps2SD ships with the busybox binary) • Uninstall system apps (remove bloat ware) • Move apps to SD card using native app2sd (force move if move to SD card is not supported by the app) • Enable and Disable apps • Batch link, unlink, enable, disable, convert, integrate, clear data/cache, move to SD, move to phone and many more functions • Automatically link newly installed apps (optional) and updated apps • Support for 32 and 64 bit devices • Support for arm, x86 and mips devices • Fix permission on 2nd partition • Terminal Emulator (Run shell script/commands) • Folder Mount (Link/Mount folders between internal/external sd card) • Screen Recorder for Kitkat+ devices • Task Manager (Free up RAM and CPU by killing running processes/apps) • Advanced Task Schedular (Schedule tasks: Device lag fixer, Cache cleaner or Shell script by time or event) • App Manager (Enable/Disable Services/Activities/Broadcast receivers/Content providers) • Hibernate Apps (Hibernate user/system apps when screen turns off to save battery and improve performance) • Broken App Cleaner (delete unused files/folders and fix unable to download/install error from play store) • Hide Apps and Games (Hide apps with password protection) • Swap Manager: Ram booster (Create/Manage swap partitions/files) • Fix Device Lag (FSTRIM) for Android 4+ (Use device lag fixer to improve performance) • Partition Tool (Partition the SD card. Create upto 3 partitions on your SD card, fat32, exfat, f2fs, ext4, ext3 and ext2 are supported) • Backup/Restore Apps/Games/Sd card • Script Manager (Create/Run commands/custom linux scripts. Create script shortcut in home for easy access) • Throttle CPU (Throttle your CPU frequency when screen turns off or device boots for better battery life) • SD Card Booster (Boost Internal/External SD card speed by changing cache value) • SD Card Speed Test (Test read/write speed of your SD cards) • Advance Reboot options (Reboot, Soft Reboot, Power off, Boot into Recovery, Boot into Bootloader, Boot into Safe mode) • Logcat (View/save/share Logcat of your device for analysis) • SDFix (Fix external sd card write permission)
DISCLAIMER: It is made available for use at your own risk with no warranty of any kind.
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